“I AM Holy So My Bride Must Be Holy”

The Word of the Lord received June 3rd, 2023 -

The Spirit of the Lord is grieved, and I hear him shouting:

“Cry aloud and spare not! Cry aloud and spare not! Where are those who will cry out with radical abandonment “We want the fear of the Lord”? Where are those within my body who will stand with me? Where are those who will truly love what I love and hate what I hate? Not tolerating, but truly detesting what I detest. Where are those who will choose me over culture? Where are those who will hold righteous anger for what I call an abomination? Where are those who will cry out for My truth and not their own? Where are those who will stand boldly for righteousness, MY righteousness and not self-righteousness prompted by self-interest and motivated by pride?

My bride has been lulled into a slumber in her drunken stupor, and I say to awaken to righteousness.  Awake from your drunken stupor and return to sober sense and right minds and sin no more. Some of you have no knowledge of Me. You are utterly and willfully and disgracefully ignorant and continue to be so, lacking the sense of My presence and all true knowledge of Me. I say this to your shame. (1 Cor. 15:34 AMPC)

This is a message that I'm shouting to the body of Christ because of the state that she is in. My tone is neither patient nor sweet. My tone is fed up! I am no longer winking at things that I may have done in the past because you’ve ignored my nudges (Acts 17:30-31). Because you’ve ignored my direct words, I am now shaking you violently to let you know that I say enough!

You praise me with your lips and vain gestures, yet your heart is far from me. As Israel has done, you offer me diseased animals for your worship, which I reject (Mal. 1:6-14). You offer your best to the kingdoms of this world, yet you give me the scraps that should be left for the dogs. You choose others over me every day with no thought of consequences. You enjoy regularly eating and being entertained at Jezebel’s table surrounded and seduced by her false prophets of deception and lies yet refuse to eat at My table feasting on the fruit of the Spirit in My presence.

You call what I say is good, evil and you align your heart with that of Babylon, and call what I say is evil, good. Where are those who will love what I love and hate what I hate unapologetically without fear of reprisal from man?  You continue to stone my prophets and dare to silence my voice because what they say is not pleasing to your ears. But in your rejection of them, you are rejecting me for I am the one who sent them. You pat yourselves on the back and tell each other well done when you silence the prophets, those who have stood in my council and are sent from me, yet you readily and willfully accept Jezebel’s prophets who openly call themselves witches and sorcerers to speak. You allow those with forked tongues who dare to call themselves by my name yet speak with spells and incantations, those so-called “Christian witches and Christian intuitives” to speak from your pulpits, lead your worship, and join your prayer teams because their words tickle your ego, and their sounds entice your souls.

You have idols upon idols that I will smash and eat up. My house will not be defamed. My bride will no longer whore herself about to the highest bidder. I call for righteousness. I call for holiness! Who will stand with me now? Who will divorce themselves from the false gods of their fathers to follow me? I am angry. I am looking for those who truly want to live a lifestyle of holiness and bring honour to my name.

It is decision-making time, and I will not have a duplicitous bride. I will have a bride who is pure, whose heart is pure, and who reflects me. I AM Holy and my bride must be holy! I AM the Lord, and I will be feared and revered as holy and My name will be great in all the earth!” Says the Lord.


We are called to be holy!


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