The Body Beautiful International Ministries

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Word of the Lord, July 13th, 2023 -

And the Lord says:

“My message has not changed, nor will it. The Church must repent and realize the completeness of who she is. She is already complete in Christ. Am I not enough?

You look for things to complete you when I have given you Myself. I gave you My Son and I gave you My Spirit. All that you need is found in Me. But it starts first with the reverential awe of Me.

Do you not believe that I AM God in your heart? And will you make the decision to follow Me in ALL things by seeking My Kingdom first above all others? I AM God, and My glory will be known.

But it will be known through My demonstrative church, My bride who has made herself ready for Me. She will demonstrate My radiance as My glory shines upon her. But I will only rest My glory where I AM honored and revered wholeheartedly.

I AM A HOLY GOD and My bride MUST be holy. There is no deviation and no getting around it! You MUST be holy, spirit, soul, and body. You MUST live a life that is pleasing to Me in ALL aspects.

My expectation is that you be carriers of My glory. But again, you can only carry what I give, and I will NOT share My glory with another, neither works of the flesh nor your own lusts and desires. My throne is above ALL thrones.

Now, will you set things in proper order in your heart? Or will you set the throne of another, including yourself above mine in your heart?

Choose this day. This day! This day! CHOOSE THIS DAY who you will serve.”