The Body Beautiful International Ministries

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O Jamaica, land of water and wood…

When I look at Jamaica in the spirit, I see the image of the heart and lungs, the cardiovascular system of the body. For any elite athlete to perform at optimum levels, their heart and lungs must be supremely efficient in function.  The heart and lungs work together to pump and distribute blood and oxygen throughout the body so that it can function properly.

The Heart and Lungs of The Caribbean

This is what the Lord says... “O Jamaica, land of water and wood as you rebuild My altars in the land and declare Me as your God. You shall be a shining star.”

Repentance & Glory-

The glory of God will follow repentance, as the people align themselves to the Holy God, Yahweh. Just like Elijah against the prophets of Baal, there will be a showdown when the God who answers by fire will judge the false gods in the land and this will cause people to make the decision to repent and follow God.  (1 Kings 18) The altars of Yahweh will be rebuilt in the land.

A Repositioning of the Truly Righteous-

The Lord says, “Jamaica, you will be runners in the spirit of Elijah who will run for My glory establishing truth, justice, and My righteousness.”

There will be an establishing of those who diligently seek the Lord. And those who hear His voice and obey His commands will be positioned and set in high places of authority. God is setting up new kings: (Daniel 2:21). The Lord says, “These will seem like overnight successes, but these are those who I have trained in the secret places, those who are My trusted and who will not compromise because they fear Me, not man. I have searched their hearts and tried their regins. My fear is in them. They have been tested, proved, and refined and now it’s time for their unveiling. They are unwavering in the face of adversity because they know that I am their God and I cover them.”

Leader Nation in the Caribbean and Americas:

Jamaica will be a more prominent voice on the world stage. This is a nation that will stand for truth. God says “I throw off the chains of bondage rooted in your history from the slave trade and colonisation. You are not slaves; you are Sons and sons of the Most High God. You, My mighty nation will stand tall in your true identity.

Jamaica Will Stand for My Glory And My Abundance:

The Sovereign Lord says, “Just as the yellow and green colours wave boldly on your nation’s flag, these colours will represent what I am doing in the land and Jamaica will stand for My glory and My abundance. My glory shall be known in Jamaica. My glory will cover Jamaica on all sides.” Jamaica will be a nation that carries My heartbeat and from its position, it shall be a stabilizing force in the region.