The Body Beautiful International Ministries

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What is the Lord saying for 2024?

This is what the Lord has given to me for this year:

2024: Rightly Aligned: In Total Alignment with YAHWEH

God is calling things into proper order as He realigns and readjusts things. This is a major part of His plan to restore the Fear of the Lord into the Earth, of course starting with the Body of Christ first.  The body of Christ is experiencing and will experience even further in the coming days a spinal adjustment that will be painful. This is very much like when a Chiropractor administers a spinal adjustment to correct the spine by realigning it to bring the body back into its natural position and posture. Ultimately what this does is to allow the body to function properly as it should.

This is happening now as the body of Christ is in the process of being restored to God’s original plan, intent, and design.  As with any chiropractic adjustment, when the body yields to the hands of the adjuster, the alignment is easier. This represents our willingness and our obedience. However when the body doesn’t yield, due to the rigidity of the spine, this will cause tension, and great force will need to be applied to bring the spine into obedience to the hands of the adjuster. In this case, it is the Lord who is making the adjustments. The rigidity that causes the body of Christ to be inflexible and not yield willingly to the hands of her Creator is pride which leads to disobedience. This will cause the pain.

The glory of God follows order, and as God intends to release greater levels of His glory in the earth this year, it requires us to be in alignment with Him. Bottom line: this is calling us to a life lived in the Fear of the Lord. Isa. 11:3 tells us that the Messiah will delight in the fear of the Lord. As His disciples, we too must delight in the fear of the Lord.

Yahweh is calling us into order, and we must align ourselves with God’s plans, thoughts, words, instructions, and timings/seasons. His moeds: appointed times. This also allows us to know when God is closing doors as well, so we won’t be trying to hang onto something or someone past its expiration date.




The Lord says, “This is now a time of acceleration where things are rapidly moving so you must be prepared to transition from one place to the next at the speed of instruction. This is something that you must heed in 2024. Things will be happening at a rapid pace so as soon as I say move, you must move. To be able to move at such a pace; at the speed of instruction, means that you MUST know the voice of the Lover of your soul. You MUST know how I communicate with you, and this is practiced in relationship with Me. This speaks of preparedness, that you have been spending time with Me, quality time with Me so that you are familiar with My ways and My movements enough to know when I give instruction and how to respond.”

According to Deut.6:4-9 which is the Shema, “HEAR, O Israel the Lord your God is One…”, it’s also what Jesus calls the first and foremost commandment.  Shema means to “hear”, but not just to listen and ponder.  “HEAR” from a Hebraic mindset, which is God’s mindset. The word “HEAR” means to listen with the heart set to obey, to act on the very thing that is being said. This is the Fear of the Lord, the holy reverence of a holy God. So have an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying in this hour. God has been preparing us for the coming days and they are rapidly approaching. But have we been diligent in practicing the word of the Lord, or have we been practicing the words of the spirit of the age?




The Lord says, “In 2024, not only will doors close but there will be doors that open, and things will be very subtle. My wisdom will be required for you to know if it is a door that I opened or if it was craftily opened by the wicked one. You will also require My wisdom to discern how and when to walk through certain doors. You will need to be watchful. Which type of door is determined by how you are aligned. How is your heart aligned and with whom? How faithful have you been to keep My word and My name?” (Scripture: Isaiah 22:22 / Revelation 2:7-8)

The Lord says that 2024 is a year when you MUST live by the wisdom and instruction of GOD! The Spirit of Wisdom is playing a HUGE role this year!

The Lord says, “Satan has doors that he opens too, and he will do so to delay you. In 2024, don’t be delayed by distractions that look good. As they say, “All that glitters is not gold”, and in this sense, all that looks good is not Me. These good opportunities will present themselves as great opportunities that you would like and seem to make sense to you, but they serve as a distraction to DELAY you from the fullness and fulfillment of the promises that I have spoken.  In this year as doors begin to open, you must be discerning, relying on My Spirit to instruct you by the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of understanding, and the spirit of counsel.”

So heed the WISDOM of God by living as Proverbs 3:5-7 instructs and do not despise the wisdom and instruction of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7)

“Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go.” – Proverbs 3:5-7 TPT

Being in alignment with God keeps us accessing the wisdom of God that brings the discernment to know these things. To be rightly aligned with God’s thoughts, ways, and actions, we must know Him well. And when He speaks, agree with him.



The Lord says “In 2024 there will be a greater release of My glory, but this also means a greater level of accountability in how you steward it, first starting with how you steward and govern yourself. In this hour, I Am putting a heavy weight on how you are aligned “

The eyes of the Lord are on us, and He is watching but what He is watching intently are the motives of our hearts and we will be judged accordingly. He’s been speaking about this for a while, and He is moving. I see a gavel coming down slowly in the spirit which indicates that judgment is coming. Have an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the church at this time.

The Lord says, “You must decide now how you will align yourselves, there IS NO MIDDLE ground. If there are those around you who feel that you are too “Jesus-focused or too Bible” Then come out from among them and be separate. Especially if they are those who are your “pew-mates” those who sit alongside you in church and claim My name. If they believe that My word should be brought down low to meet current society standards. If they are comfortable sitting with the spirits of compromise and deception, and if they believe that the holiness of God is no longer a standard that should be honoured, then come out from among them.”

“Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God.” – Romans 12:2 MSG

I heard the Lord again say “Stop playing with My name, for I will not be mocked, especially by those who dare to call themselves by My name.”



I also see the harvest rains are falling in the spirit which means that a promise of a great harvest is on the horizon, this means those who have been diligent in sowing, planting, and building for the Lord will begin to see their harvest manifest. This is not far off. This is the due season harvest, the now.

This also means that the body of Christ will also see a great harvest of those who will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ. God is so jealous for this harvest and will not have it negatively impacted by those who will not represent Him well. God will have His harvest, and we better not get in the way of it…

I saw a huge harvest of people coming into the Body of Christ, and there is a strong admonishment from the Lord as He declares “This harvest belongs to Me. NOT YOU!!!!! And you are to steward those new who come into the body of Christ and those returning to the body of Christ accordingly. They BELONG TO ME!!!! You are to make DISCIPLES of JESUS CHRIST!!!!!”

I see judgment being handed down to those who are not good stewards of the harvest, those who mishandle and make disciples of themselves rather than making disciples of the LORD.  The Lord says, “HEAR and know this, you will be judged for how you handle the harvest. And you will be judged if you negatively impact it.”


In 2024 A violent shaking is coming in the earth and a violent shaking is coming to the house of God, the tremors have already begun. I will have My harvest says the Lord. And I will no longer allow it to be impacted by those in my church who do not revere, or honor Me. Obstacles will be removed, You will be removed. Will you heed the warning?” says the Lord.