Be Open To God & Let the Father Lead
“…for your Father knows what you need before you ask him”
– Matthew 6:8
Today I was sitting quietly while thinking about some things that I felt that I needed to bring before the Lord. In my mind, I was trying to get my thoughts together before I went to him. But as I was sitting there, I heard the Spirit of the Lord say to me, “Daughter, relax! Just come away with me, I already know what you need.” So, I abandoned my list, and off I went to have a beautiful time with him.
Afterward, I considered that encounter and thought, how often do we do this where we feel that we have to have our thoughts, ideas, our minds, or whatever “together” before we engage the Lord? It’s actually more common than we realize even amongst those who have active encounters with God. Although having organized thoughts does have its place to a certain degree, it’s not always necessary and in many cases, it’s that “getting it together” mindset that acts as a deterrent to getting into God’s presence.
In Matthew 6:8 where Jesus is teaching us how to pray, he says that the Father already knows what we need so we should enter into his presence by first acknowledging who he is, which is our Father in heaven. Because he already knows what we need before we ask, we really don’t need to enter into his presence with preconceived ideas on how to structure each session or encounter with him. We only need to position our hearts to allow ourselves to be open to meet him in whatever way that HE decides to meet us flow with that.
In today’s meditation from our friend Sandra at the Christ-Centered Tribe, we are encouraged to “Open Up to God” as she beautifully walks us through ways of doing it. So, take 9 minutes to relax with God without any preconceived ideas other than that he is our glorious Father in heaven who wants to be with us. So, welcome him from that place and know that there’s no need to enter His presence with a strict plan – just go in with an open and yielded heart, and...
…let the Father lead!
Click Here to watch the Christ-centered Tribe’s guided meditation!