The Body Beautiful International Ministries

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CHINA: two towers rising in the east

January 6th, 2023 - China: I had a dream this morning where China was featured, only for me to wake up and see a headline that said, “the US sent ships into the Straits of Taiwan as China watches sternly”.

The Lord says to me over coffee, “Come away with me!” What that means I'm not sure, but by the way he said it, it sounded like an invitation to adventure with him…

The Lord takes me into the spirit, and now what I see is like a rising up of “seemingly” twin towers. I say seemingly because though they appear to be equal opposites, they are not. They are not equal in power by any means. The two towers are:

  1. The Chinese Government and military. This is the Chinese tower that is rising on the scene as a major world power, backed by money, economy, and a massive wealth of human resources that are prepared for this. They are prepared mightily in the fields of STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. They are equally prepared in Financial Markets, Manufacturing, Military maneuvers, Strategies, and Endurance. They are being trained and groomed to dominate as a world power on all fronts and in all spheres of influence.

  2. The second tower is a persecuted church in China, the Church of Jesus Christ. They too are being trained and developed for domination and prominence on the world scene. They too are being trained for military might. Theirs, however, is the Army of Light representing the Kingdom of God. They have been trained to persevere in the harshest of climates. They have been educated by the word of God, with many memorizing the entire scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. The word of God is literally hidden in their hearts. Many have risked their lives and laid down their lives for the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. “Jesus Christ and him crucified, resurrected, and ascended to the right hand of the Father” is their heart and their cry.

Of the two towers rising, the second, the persecuted church, is the one with the true power and might because it's not backed by man or the powers of man, it's backed by the Kingdom of God and all of its powers and resources. “Watch China!” I hear the Lord say.